Friday, May 7, 2010

Appreciating nature

Ever since I had children of my own, going to parks has become my favourite activity. I try my very best to minimise trips to shopping malls which deemed to be quite meaningless to children I think. Don't get me wrong, they do need to have some kind of shopping experience but in my opinion, fresh air , the sun and nature by far are more meaningful to children.

We set off for Jacobs Ballas in the late morning of Sunday. Well A and I always plan to set off early but si far, we have never succeeded (still trying though)with the kids around. Yup, we reached the park in the afternoon and it was pretty warm but hey! it is no joke getting a preschooler and a toddler ready with homemade packed meals! Thumbs up for me...Yee!Ha!

As usual, we need to feed the Ilyasak and B lunch. Feeding time is time consuming and it did not help when both Ilyasak and B are picky eaters. Basially, when it comes to food, it has to be force down their throats. Yup! Sounds bad but we have no choice given the nature of their feeding patterns. We thought we wanted them to enjoy the park while they were having lunch only to realize that we invite strange stares from the park goers. Ehmmm! strange I thought but I ignored it. It finally made sense to us when the park ranger told us that no food was to be comsumed in the park. Gosh! we were so embarrassed.

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