Lucky for us, he recovered after 2 days which was much shorter than the previous one whoch lasted a whole entire week. Looking after a sick child is never an easy task. we were thankful that we survived. All thanks to the one above for helping us as, after all, he would not give us a challenge that is not within our means. It only made us parents much stronger after we brave the tide.
Hi! Welcome to my small world! I am a mum to 2 beautiful kids-a son and a daughter. This is where I write about the joys of motherhood and my continuous efforts to keep an enriching and a well-balanced life for myself and my family.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Fever bug
Ilyasak was attacked by another round of the fever bug. He had recently recovered from the same bug about 3 weeks ago and he was down again last Wednesday. His fever seems to be on the high once the virus sits in. His temperature was a scary 39 which hits 40 at certain times of the day. Often forcing us to give him an ice bath. Thankfully the hubby was on sick child care leave. I would not have imagine handling both kids on my own. Giving him cups of yoghurt also did not seem to help. To make matters worse, Ilyasak was such a lousy eater when he is sick. He was not a great eatet to start of with and it became worse when he is sick. We were so desperate to get some kind of food in hs body, that we even resorted to offering him a Long John's meal. Strange as one might find it, he resisted to even such a meal!
Lucky for us, he recovered after 2 days which was much shorter than the previous one whoch lasted a whole entire week. Looking after a sick child is never an easy task. we were thankful that we survived. All thanks to the one above for helping us as, after all, he would not give us a challenge that is not within our means. It only made us parents much stronger after we brave the tide.

Lucky for us, he recovered after 2 days which was much shorter than the previous one whoch lasted a whole entire week. Looking after a sick child is never an easy task. we were thankful that we survived. All thanks to the one above for helping us as, after all, he would not give us a challenge that is not within our means. It only made us parents much stronger after we brave the tide.
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