Last Sunday, we decide to try prawning (not sure of the exact term though)at East Coast Park. The kids were not too excited about it- I mean they were in the beginning but due to the long wait before we had our first catch, they got bored. We were given a rod, a basket(to store our catch) and a small plate of bait (chicken heart) The hubs managed to get his first catch after 45 minutes of waiting. It wasn't easy like how we thought it might be. Either the prawns were well fed or they were smart and skilled enough to eat the bait without getting hooked. We even resorted to buying a small container of earthworms as an improvement to our earlier bait which was the chicken heart.
The fresh water prawns looked a little different as compared to those we bought from the supermarket. These prawns had long blue pincers(hubby was nipped by one of them)which made them look like minature lobsters- at least thats what I thought.
Ilyasak was so bored that he kept on asking for pernission to play his skate scooter at the East Coast tracks while he waited for hubs to get the prawns. Balqis, as usual was like a dynamite. She simply can't keep still which simply tire me out througout the session. The good thing is, I managed to feed both of them lunch on my own.
Hubby successfully caught 6 prawns after an hour and a half. He did so much better during the last half hour where he caught the last 4 prawns.
We decided to let the kids play their skate scooter and run around while we lazed around the grass patch before we headed home. It was nevertheless an enjoyable Sunday but we will not go prawning again till the kids are older and have a longer attention span and patience.
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