Saturday, August 11, 2012

Kitchen gadget

I have always been a fan of kitchen gadgets. I am all for spending that extra bit of cash if it could speed up my tasks in the kitchen.
Recently, bought an apple corer and it has been of a great help to me although it requires more strength when I need to wedge it through the centre of the apple. Once, the wedging is done, cutting the apple will be such a breeze.

Alphabet stamps

This is one of my great buys- the alphabet stamps. It was on 20% discount at Toys'r'us and I just had to purchase it. It has been of great use to us thus far.
It helps Balqis with her spelling and phonics since she is not able to write yet.
The stamps are used by Ilyasak when he wants to take a break from writing. Yes, he is not so thrill as yet when it comes to any activity which requires writing (something which I need to work on urgently since his handwriting is far from legible and the fact that he is going to primary 1 next year is enough to make my heart palpitates)
It's for my use too if I need to create some cards or do some scrabooking stuff.
Best of all, it's made of wood which guarantees long lasting usage through generations definitely and gives it a vintage look.

Ramadhan activity: playdough mats

Fished this idea out from some of the homeschooling blog but I tweak it to be in tune to Ramadhan. An activity when they can fill out their time and mummy can space out while they are at it. However, the downside of this activity is that it creates quite a fair bit of mess from the bits and pieces of the dough. It gets frustrating when the bits and pieces of dough gets stick on d the floor. Well, I don't intend for this activity to be one of our regulars. I just hate the mess!

The piece above is Ilyasak's- the boy simply did not have the patience to sit through and fill up the intricate details of the mosque. He was just happy to plonk all the blob of play dough to the mat and be done with it.

The piece above is Balqis'- she had a bit more patience to carefully fill up the entire mat. It is probably because girls tend to have more patience and are more meticulous in nature.

Acrylic 'firefly' painting

We did this as part of the post activity after reading 'the lonely firefly'by Eric Carle.
One important note is to stay away from any kind of fabric that you do not wish to stain cause it ain't going to come off. Well, I did stain Balqis' quilt cover because silly me conduct the activity a tad too near her bed.
Nevertheless, we had fun on one of the ramadhan afternoons. I also discovered that acrylic paints produce such strong and vibrant colours as oppose to poster paints.