Ilyasak turned 5 yesterday. He woke up in the morning asking whether it was the 3rd of August and that he'd turned 5 already. He asked the hubs to check his height and even asked him to lug out the weighing machine to have his weight taken-to check if there was an increase in his weight now that he is 5 years old. We felt tickled at the way these young children are thinking. To them turning a year older equals to weight gained ha!ha! He had been on the constant check recently especially after we told him that he needs to gain another 2 kg before his next visit to the dietician.
We didnt have a fancy celebration, just a simple cake cutting at my mom's yesterday. He got his 'balloon' cake though. The cake was not much to be harped about as the decoration on the cake turned out to be just a piecce of plastic sheet simply plonked on the cake. We had to removed the plastic just to cut the cake. Upon removal of the plastic decoration, the cake looked nothing more like just an ordinary little cake. Well, at least he got the cake he wants and he had been wanting this particular cake since last year. For the record, he only ate a tiny piece from hs birthday cake unike other kids who would jump to request for the second or even the third helping.
We plan to take him out today as the hubs managed to get leave so not really sure where we will head to since its the fasting month- kind of drained out if we do too much physical activiy and Balqis is coughing really badly too.
Happy Birthday Ilyasak! Umi, Abi and Balqis love you dearly.